Parks and Recreation is Back!

My family and I thoroughly enjoyed watching Parks and Recreation this Fall 2013.  The first season reminded me that this is truly a fun, though goofy at times, show. We laughed and enjoyed it so much. 

It dawned on me that this show is perfect in many regards.  It has a true rhythm to it almost, and perfect balancing act with the story lines, actors, etc.  We laughed hard, were mortified a couple of times, and then got tears at the end when Ron was traveling in the very Europe he "hated" with the gift itinerary from Leslie.  Wow, what a fun and gripping show in many regards.

I love that a lot of the little realities of life are mingled in to get people to appreciate and realize the good things we have going.  That helps to keep it real. 

Another fun show that has grown on us over the years, and that we can record it brings a great joy to us at times.  A super fun show!  Loved this latest one that included the Europe trip.

Burn Notice - The Finale!

It is hard to believe that Burn Notice is over!  I am a little bit in shock that I won't be seeing Michael, Fiona, Sam, etc in the future!  It has become such a part of our family's life over the years.  I guess that is one of the signs of a good show.

I didn't know what to expect but from the finale, but it didn't disappoint at all.   It was a sad ending in some respects with Michael's mother Madeline.  In fact, that part was devastating!  Like with many good shows and life, sometimes there is a sacrifice somewhere along the way for something good to be enabled to go on.  Not a foreign thought at all on one hand, but ought to be expected on another hand, when facing the great evils of the world. 

As for Michael and Fiona and the little nephew, wow, what a perfect ending!  I couldn't have anticipated they could turn things around and have it end on such an amazing note.  I half expected there to be quite a bit of tragedy as the story ended.

I wonder where things will go from here?  Will there be any more to the series later on?  I hope so!

Will miss the gang, including Jesse!  Wow, what an incredible show that was.  Thanks to the producers, writers and actors, etc.  It was a joy.

Under the Dome - A New Favorite TV Show

It is the second to the last show of the first (and maybe only) season for Under the Dome. It is a great show if you have not seen it, with a great cast and acting.  Incredible story line, and some amazing twists and turns in the plot. The curiosity factor is huge!

If you haven't seen this show, you have to see it!  I hope it isn't all there is to the show.

Some Current Favorite Shows

It is amazing that even with our busy lives, we have time to watch television.  It is a wonderful wind down to the end of a long day.  It is great to get your mind off of other things.

We often eat as a family watching a show together. 

Our current favorites as a Family are: America's Got Talent, Whose Line is it anyway, Burn Notice, Siberia, Suits and more.

My own favorites to watch when alone are Longmire (a new and true favorite!), and judge shows like Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, and Judge Alex. 

Shows I miss are some of the oldies but goodies like Little House on the Prairie, Gilligan's Island, and not so old and a true love from the other side of the pond is Keeping Up Appearances. As Time Goes By is another favorite.  I am remembering lots of other old ones I love as well.  Makes me long for those days even when Mash came on and the like.  Loved all of that.

Suits and Burn Notice are back for the Summer, Yay!

Just a little note that a couple of favorite shows are back for the summer.  I hadn't realized how much I missed these two in particular.  That is, Suits, and Burn Notice!   So glad to be watching these favorite television shows again!  Welcome back!


Unforgettable, is a great new show. My husband found this one, and its another crime show with a twist. She can't forget anything she has seen, as she has a memory that stores or files away even the tiniest of details. It is kind of a more serious twist on Psych, where people use their "skills", or pretend skills in the case of Psych, to help solve crimes. You will like it, watch it once and see what you think. You may be hooked. Poppy Montgomery is great in her role. The others are good too, but I haven't fully been able to "get to know" the show yet. Its pretty fascinating.

Last Man Standing

This show has become one of my favorites, as well as a favorite of the whole family. It has an amazing cast, everyone is perfect in their role. The people who chose the actors and actresses for every role could not have done a better job. If the goal is ever to get to know characters, make people laugh, and to look forward to future shows, this one is a success! If you haven't watched it, watch it at least once. Its great, and truly funny. The writers are amazing. A keeper for sure. Tim Allen is funny as ever, and Nancy Travis is amazing. Perfect show in every way. I love that the psychologist from Monk is the boss. Love this show.