Series Finale of Law and Order, Criminal Intent with Goren and Eames! Is it really over?

Ok, I was watching the finale, and I don't mean season finale, I mean THE finale of Law and Order Criminal Intent with Goren and Eames, when I hear that its the last one. :/ NOT OK! Oh my heart! I have loved that show and that team in particular for years now! So I had to write this in my blog of favorite shows because this truly is a favorite show, maybe of all time kind of favorite! If they or anyone ever want to know if people liked that show, please know it was truly loved! I cried at the end of the last one, because it was over! Its so hard to say goodbye, but who knew how hard it was to say goodbye to fictional characters on a show? I know others have had to do it before, but this one hit me hard.

I loved these two characters, and much of the other cast over time. Good luck to you two, and know you were and are loved! You were awesome, great actors, it looked always so natural and perfect, like you hardly tried. That is something you don't see too often anymore! I and my family will dearly miss you as will many others.